Kitten stuff
Must get:
1. Food (dry and canned). Royal Canin mother and baby cat/kitten/Persian kitten dry and wet. You also may choose any premium-class dry /wet food. Please, keep in mind if you choose your own food, the transition should be done gradually.
2. Feeding bowls. At least 3: for water, for dry food, for wet food. (don't take soft plastic, stainless steel is preferable)
3. Litter box.
4. Litter. Any clay-clumping litter is ok, please, use unscented. We use “Tidy Cats free and clean unscented” with a green lid.
5. Litter scoop
6. Carrier. Medium size would be good.
These things are "must have".
1. Scratching post/toy
2. Toys (balls, laser pointers, springs, fabric mice, tunnel). Kittens are crazy about tunnels/cubes.
3. Grooming supplies (furminator, claw clipper, eye wash, ear wash, shampoo).
4. Cat tree
5. Treats (freeze-dried chicken or turkey preferably). Human baby food (turkey, chicken or beef) is also a very good treat, they love it. Only meat, don't take it mixed with vegetables. Churu cat treats.
6. Cat bed/mat probably. But they usually sleep wherever they want :)
All this things you can order on www.chewy.com . And much more, they have a lot of things. I like their service and prices.
Great place to get raw food in case you decide to feed raw diet is https://www.darwinspet.com/
The things that are not in "must have" list you may buy any time you feel you need it.