Contract sample
I. Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy, one purebred Scottish Fold kitten described as follows:
Litter #:
Date of Birth:
Ears Shape:
Microchip #:
II. Price and Payments.
1.The purchase price is $_________plus any shipping charges and/or delivery charges making a total balance due of$. The total amount due must be paid in full prior to Buyer taking possession of the above-described cat/kitten. Once Buyer takes possession of the above-described kitten all rights and responsibilities of ownership is the sole responsibility of Buyer (including, but not limited to, veterinarian costs).
III. Buyer Responsibilities.
1.This kitten will receive generous amounts of love, attention, and entertainment and will always be treated with kindness and respect.
2.Thiskitten will be provided the best possible diet, fresh water at all times, clean quarters, and a good standard of health care.
3.Buyer agrees to provide immediate veterinary care to this kitten if it shows signs of illness or injury.
4.This kitten will be kept indoors with ample space for exercise and not allowed to roam freely outside.
5.Under no circumstance will this kitten be sold, leased or given away to any pet shop, research laboratory, or similar facility.
6.Should it become necessary for any reason to part with this kitten, the Buyer agrees to notify Seller. Seller can assist Buyer in relocating the kitten/cat at no expense to the Buyer.
7.If this kitten is found to be neglected or mistreated, the Buyer will surrender the cat to the seller, unconditionally.
8.This kitten may not be declawed.
9.Buyer agrees to send Seller at least one photo of kitten between eight months and one year of age and grants permission for Seller to use photograph on Seller’s website.
10.If Buyer chooses to feed something else than recommended by Seller, Buyer agrees to discuss it previously with the Seller and/or licensed veterinarian and to make changes slowly over a period of time.
IV. Return Policy.
If for any reason(such as landlord disapproval, family disagreement, allergic reaction, medical expenses, medical conditions, or other reasons) the Buyer cannot keep the kitten, the kitten must be returned to the Seller. If kitten is ever returned back or surrendered back to the seller for any reason, except problems covered with Health Guarantee, once returned no refunds will be given to Buyer.
Health Guarantee
This kitten is guaranteed to be of sound health upon the date of purchase. It is guaranteed for a period of72 hours from the time the kitten leaves the possession of the seller. We're commend that you take the kitten to your own veterinarian (at Buyer expense) within this time period for your own satisfaction and protection. We also suggest you place the new arrival in quarantine during this time and follow the advice of your own veterinarian in regards to the length of the quarantine period. If the kitten is found after such examination to have a life-threatening infectious disease, it must be reported to the seller immediately. The kitten may be returned, and the purchase price will be refunded or a replacement kitten of equal value will be offered as available. Whether to provide a refund or replacement kitten of equal value is the Sellers choice. A medical report signed by the examining veterinarian must be provided to the seller prior to a replacement or refund being made. If the kitten is returned to the Seller, all returns hipping and mileage related expenses will be covered by the returnee. Should the kitten die before two(2) year age as a direct result of an unknown (at the time of sale) congenital birth defect, said kitten will be replaced or refund will be offered only if an appropriate autopsy is performed by a licensed veterinarian and a veterinarian’s certificate is provided as proof of cause of death. Under no circumstances is a kitten to be destroyed prior to notification by the buyer to the seller.
If the kitten die to FIP before one (1) year age, said kitten will be replaced or refund will be offered at breeder's choice. Also, we do not recommend vaccinating this kitten with the FIP vaccine. If the Buyer vaccinates the cat/kitten with FIP vaccine, the Seller is not responsible for FIP anymore.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to provide immediate veterinary care to this cat if it shows signs of illness or injury. Failure to follow the rules of this Health Guarantee will render any guarantee null and void. Trauma, abuse or neglect will void this guarantee. Once the said kitten leaves the possession of the Seller, said Seller can not be responsible for any veterinarian bills or charges incurred on said kitten. The Buyer gives their vet permission to disclose said kitten's medical records if requested by Seller or Seller’s representative.
This contract is legally binding to all parties involved. It applies only to the buyer and seller in this transaction and is non-transferable to other parties. Breach of contract will result in cancellation and repossession of the kitten by the Seller without compensation, and for each and every infraction of this contract Buyer agrees to pay damages of $1000 to Seller, plus any legal costs incurred by Seller if necessary to collect said damages. All disputes regarding the contract are to be litigated in the municipality of the Seller's residence at the time of a dispute and based upon the Seller’s home state's laws. By signing this contract, Buyer acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, agrees to, and has received a copy of this Sales Contract. Any decision to replace or refund will be Sellers choice. Neither party shall have the right to modify it except by mutual agreement, inwriting. Changes or additions must be initialed by both parties. This Contract Is Made and Signed by Both Parties to Ensure the Well-being and Protection of this Kitten. This Contract Constitutes the Full Agreement Between Buyer and Seller.